Monday, September 14, 2009

Six Shopping Days

I can't find my pictures, they are some where in a file in this computer. Technology, it can be a good thing. It can be an infuriating thing too. I collect pictures, some of people, dogs and odd things. I take them as they are good blog material. I like to write in the morning and today I have a few extra minuets BUT I can't find my new stuff. This Saturday I got a new cell phone. My old one (given to me) has really small keys and I can't hit the number dial with my fake finger nails. The new one has a camera and a key board for texting. It took my son Dan to show me how to use it, today he will show me the camera. Anyway, I have held onto the opinion that cell phones are intrusive, rude and a regular pain in the ass. But in an effort to save money I will begin to carry this infernal thing. I never wanted to be that assessable to anyone. I mean really you can't even go to the grocery store without seeing at least 2/3 people talking away. What can be so important????? It has happened on more than one occasion that I stupidly thought someone was actually talking to me and after a moment of talking the person turns around and there tethered to their ear is that darned phone. The phone call is not to remind the receiver to pick up milk, no, the conversation goes something like......I'm at the store.....yes I saw them.......what happened yada yada. I should get used to it as it has been going on forever. Don't even get me started on texting, the ultimate in rudeness. Perhaps tomorrow or my next day I'll attack that. Lets not forget the good that modern technology has given us. Better health care! For that I am grateful.

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