Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's good to be a cheesehead

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh another wonderful fall sunday in cornland. It's been a good day here. The weather is fantastic, the leaves are turning and falling like crazy. When I lived up north I longed for any tree but a pine tree. ( If you don't have them then you don't know that grass will never grow under them....., most are too tall to put christmas lights on them and they just dont drop colorful leaves on the ground) Now where we live we have a bunch o hardwoods and this is what we have......tons of leaves ( what do you do with them?), can't really burn them as they make neighbors mad, and sometimes when you burn them they start mini fires....STORY....One day years ago on or about our first fall I head out to the back yard all reved up and commenced to yard clean up....raked up a big pile of leaves and proceeded to set them on fire. Yup I carefully checked to see that I was far enough from the house as not to catch this 112 yo barn on fire. It was a beautiful day, bit windy but I had a handle on it, I watched it carefully and when my pile had burned to ashes I noted there was still smoke.......There on the other side of the fence was a fire FIRE my brain screamed, the fence was on fire.......I ran to get the hose and crap I had disconnected it, quick I thought what do I do......And in the corner if the yard with what I thought was a beem of light about it was............the dog water, quickly I ran over and got it, ran back and threw it with every thing I had. It's now out with exception to smoke....but it's really out. Now my next do I hide it from my beloved????? I just kicked leaves over the charred area forgetting all about it till next spring during clean up when I heard Teriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii what happenened to.... More on leaves another day

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