Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trick or Treat

2 days till Halloween and we have 5 mondo pumpkins sitting on our front steps waiting for the knife. I have carved pumpkins every year can't remember a single on when I haven't. In the past few years they have been sculpted with accuracy using a pumpkin masters pattern, each one taking about and hour or so, never minding the time it took. The kids would long be finished with theirs as I continued to " saw" out the intricate pieces. I'm not using a pumpkin master pattern this year. Danny will be over on Thursday night to assist in the ritual. I can't wait because for a few hours the kitchen will be a magical spot. How does this look?, Do you think we can roast these seeds? The eye broke out Mom how do I fix it? I reach into the cabinet and pullout the trusty toothpicks and all is well. The back ground music will be some kind of thumping rap, BUT it's all good. Just as long as it takes a long time so that I can hold on to the moment. But sometimes pumpkin carving can take on a whole different twist.....STORY.......Several years ago 17 or so Kate was 10 and Danny was 6. Dennis and I were dating and he was invited over for Carving Night. After dinner we cleared the table and covered it with newspaper, pulled out the markers and knives and began the task of cleaning out the pumpkins. Everyone knows it takes a bit of time to complete a pumpkin. Well, Dennis is usually all about getting the job done fast. He excuses himself and says he needs to go home and get something. Moments later he returns with a jig saw. The kids eyes got big and when they saw how fast and easy the carving could take place they were delighted, each wanting a turn at the electric power tool. After that night the jig saw was a part of Carving night. For me, and this year there will be no jig saw I want our night to last as long as I can.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Ma--- we totally pulled out the jig saw this year at my friend's house!! It was hilarious... but you'd be happy to know that I used a knife the entire time. :) Even for the top.
