Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chopping Liver and Making Pate'

The lady in red is my sister LeAnn. I am lucky that she too makes the trek south from Madison every Thanksgiving too. During yesterday's blog entry I flat ran out of time to post this picture, and alas I made her feel kinda bad. I am sorry. My pictures are in several different files and it takes me a while to find them and THEN I forget where they were. LeAnn aka Sissy or Sistor lives in Madison WI. She moved there after my beloved Bro in Law died over 10 years ago. Since she has been on her own she has conquered many things that the "Man" of the house usually handles one of her best talents is " Mistress of the Snowblower". Last year Madison had a record snow fall and she totally rocked in snow removal. My ma worked all the time when I was a pup and it was Sissy's job to take care of my Bro Kevin and I. She went from that to raising her own family and now is doing things for herself. Recently saw Neil Diamond in concert. Neil Diamond is kind of a Hotty, anyway I thought so when I was younger. He was the kind of guy that made you feel odd, later when I grew up I realized the odd feeling was turned on. Probably how Elvis made way older girls feel, and now well I'm not sure of a young singer that is that, that HOT. Sissy embraces her new life as noted in her virtual name miturn. SHe does a bit of traveling, works for an orthodontist and drives a caddy. In her free time she visits the grandkids and does estate sales ( getting some cool stuff ). Have more on my sistor however I have got to get ready to go to work. 6 funerals this week. Tata T

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