Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wanted: Young Blood

Faster than a speeding bullet, or an Illinois plated car on vacation is the Bentley Girls. Now I realize that I may push my luck with this blog as sometimes when folks realize that talents may have been exploited they decide "well I'm not doing that anymore", I will take my chances. It's true, in a blink of an eye or perhaps just more glass of wine, these two women can clean up a kitchen so fast that you would think you were in a life fast forwarded. They are defiantly old school, taught by their moms that you always pick up after a meal, and MO ONE does it better.
When I was a kid the task was taught early, my cousins and I were in our early teens and while the Aunties and Grandma enjoyed an extra cup of coffee the younger chicks cleaned. It's happening to me instead of a cup of coffee it may be another cocktail, but what about these girls? Who will replace them in the clean up area? Danny is good at it, but he has "things to do". The kiddie in the pic, well lets say he's opting for a management position. Like the art of tatting, the cleanup girls are going away, paper plates anyone?????????

1 comment:

Kate said...

You've taught me well ma! I hate leaving dinner dishes for "later" or "tomorrow".... just prolongs the agony AND nothing is worse than chiseling dried food shit off of plates that could have easily been rinsed off and cleaned the night before- who wants to think about making breakfast in a dirty kitchen!?... can you tell I'm passionate about this!? xoxo