It's 6:30 am on a monday morning. I now have been sitting at the computer for 45 mins and I am 15 mins away from having to log off. I am struggling with balance. I have an all or non mentality and am finding a very hard time with balancing the things that I enjoy vs the things that have to be done. There is something both good and bad about maintaining a strict schedule. I almost typed fairlystrict but the very fact that I nearly used "fairly" shows that I am not ready to commit to following the rules. For the longest time I had a pretty good handle on the schedule, however recently my little world has been rocked. My hubby who has been an over the road driver now is home every night. I have almost gotten over the loss of the remote but I will admit it's a bit hard at bedtime. I like a movie he likes that Earl show. It's funny, it used to take me about 2 mins to fall asleep, now that another show is on it takes me longer. I have no idea why. I used to walk every morning but now sometimes I stay in bed a bit longer as it's nice to be with Dennis. After my walk I would ran about the house and do some cleaning chores, now I have a cup of coffee and a game of hearts with Dennis. Then go to work, return home maybe have a bowl of cereal or a frozen dinner do a few more chores and then watch a bit of TV. Now I return from work, make dinner (not cereal) eat dinner, play another game of hearts then watch TV. What that all means is I'm gaining weight (no will power, NONE, nada), our home is more hairy and dusty, and I am feeling sorry about my self. What has been a good thing hanging out with my Poppy has shook my little world. See mention about willpower. So........I decided last night that I was going to fight for balance in my life, so why can't I have it all. Several years ago after a bout with depression and some professional consoling I learned that ultimately I and only I am in charge of my own ship, that as much as it's easier to blame others for our perceived short comings when it all comes down to it's up to me. So here I go, a schedule for me with a hearty promise to hold myself accountable. Times up and my 15 mins is done.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Garden Girls gone Wild
Yipeeeeee. I found my pictures. All it took was a bit of patience and voila. Years ago after moving to Shelbyville I met up with these gals. Karla (on left), (Marla on right), and Dizi (in the middle)Dizi was my cohort at work. We were much younger with younger kids and all the fun that goes with that. Somewhere before your 40th birthday and around the time you baby gets his drivers license gardening becomes a good idea. I happens when a pot of petunias just wont do ya any more. Gardening evolves with age. We started out touring gardens and garden shops looking for certain special varieties of hosta. Became overjoyed with the knockout and was over the top with the Endless summer hydrangea. From there adding a few spendy trees for winter interest. Saturday Lifetime movies gave way to HGTV and we became fairly sophisticated. We would go to shows on container gardens, special sales and lunch after. My 42nd birthday included a limo to do our fall shopping. That was fun, tuned up on Mimosa's, traveling down the highway to Springfield only to pull up to Prairie Gardens and have the chauffeur let us out. Then after a goodly amount of time he loaded our purchases (10 or so plants) back in the trunk and we were off. The limo was a birthday surprise from my hubby (cool huh). We have been together for years now. I don't get to make the trips anymore because of the flower shop. It's very hard to make any plans in this business, something always comes up. BUT these girls still invite me to everything, they haven't given up on me. We are friends. Just like the Steele Magnolia's. Lots in our lives have changed. Kids are grown, and some have kids of their own. We endured problems with those cute little minions, overcame them. Had boyfriends and girlfriends enter and leave their lives. Lost a parent. Got another grandbaby. Healed a sick kid, and sent one off to war. We get together less and less it seems. From several times a year to 3-4 times. But they are still the same girls. Ready to jump in at a moments notice and bail me out of a bind. God Bless these girls, their hubbies and their children. I love them.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Stop and see the Glitter
Since I can't find my new pictures here is one I dug up. Yes that's snow and ya'll know how I love the snow but, do you see the sparkles. No it's not the flash it's glitter. Here's the story. Amy and I took off one afternoon for some Holiday shopping. In the decoration aisle I found Martha Stewart Glitter. It comes in big bottles in really cool colors. I bought gold and limey green oh the things I can do with this beautiful glitter. Well anyway we got home late and I left the bags in the kitchen. Next day I lock up the dogs in the same room and head off to work, all long day at work only to arrive home turn on the light and what do I glitter everywhere over the floor on the dogs in sprinkles and in piles. I I grab the broom and begin to clean, carefully folding up the rug.. I took it out to shake it in the yard when it caught my eye. My yard sparkled, not just like new snow but a pretty green. So pretty I grabbed my camera and voila. It was kind of a mess but gosh it was pretty.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Well it's an other good day in Cornland. My birthday came and went(sadly) and now it's the count down for my biggest birthday ever. The big 50. I don't mind getting older and I truly believe I will always feel this way however, I would hope I could finally get my crap together. In the following 362 days I plan to make great strides in my weak areas and hopefully get it together. Area 1: Balance. Big problem, big, big problem. I have had a problem with all or none almost my life. No, not standing a tight rope balance (altho that's pretty funny too). It's the ability to get everything in and still retain your mental status. Too much stuff in either direction well your off balance and well there is the tightrope thing. Perhaps a schedule. Yaya that's the ticket. I want to find time to get everything in or most things like writing everyday. I have mastered walking everyday. I get up around 4:30 and before I brush do any thing I walk the dogs. It is a sight to see, good thing it's dark as I haven't brushed my hair or washed my face. You see if I do that well I may become distracted and start something else. Anyway the dogs (x4) and I head out for a brisk walk, 2 on leashes 2 w/o. The grand pups follow fairly close and despit their big size they hardly ever scare a random " I can't sleep, I'll think I'll walk " people. Sometimes it can be exciting....a deer crossing the street or the other day Bear the biggest one found and brought me a wild kitty. There's a sight Kitten in mouth of dog, 3 others wanting a piece of the action and me in the middle trying to stop the freefor all. Success getting the dogs to drop the cat not so much for the cat. Well I am off for another big day. Tata Teri
Monday, September 14, 2009
Six Shopping Days
I can't find my pictures, they are some where in a file in this computer. Technology, it can be a good thing. It can be an infuriating thing too. I collect pictures, some of people, dogs and odd things. I take them as they are good blog material. I like to write in the morning and today I have a few extra minuets BUT I can't find my new stuff. This Saturday I got a new cell phone. My old one (given to me) has really small keys and I can't hit the number dial with my fake finger nails. The new one has a camera and a key board for texting. It took my son Dan to show me how to use it, today he will show me the camera. Anyway, I have held onto the opinion that cell phones are intrusive, rude and a regular pain in the ass. But in an effort to save money I will begin to carry this infernal thing. I never wanted to be that assessable to anyone. I mean really you can't even go to the grocery store without seeing at least 2/3 people talking away. What can be so important????? It has happened on more than one occasion that I stupidly thought someone was actually talking to me and after a moment of talking the person turns around and there tethered to their ear is that darned phone. The phone call is not to remind the receiver to pick up milk, no, the conversation goes something like......I'm at the store.....yes I saw them.......what happened yada yada. I should get used to it as it has been going on forever. Don't even get me started on texting, the ultimate in rudeness. Perhaps tomorrow or my next day I'll attack that. Lets not forget the good that modern technology has given us. Better health care! For that I am grateful.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Girls Grown Up
Meet Sara and Evie. They are my Grand Nieces daughters of Gail and Paul. For several summers now I get to have my home girls spend a week or so ( without their parents). We get to swim. play Rockband, and have mini spa days. Sara has her permit now and gets to drive her parents about. It's crazy how fast kids grow up. Our time in the pool has evolved from learning syncronized swimming routines to talk about girls stuff. Funny how carefree kids are all of a sudden hurdled into grownup girl stuff. Boys, mean girls and future plans. Each of the girls battling their own demons with different perspectives. It was a hard time for me, I remember it well and thinking back it's some pretty hard stuff. I was a chubby girl who had crossed eyes. Talk about a double whammy. The crossed eyes were really hard as both boys and girls teased me. But the weight, that crappy weight thing. It's something I continue to fight today. Sara, the oldest is a bit quiet, a deep thinker I believe. She's funny and very smart. She has a trainer, she's lost weight and is feeling fairly confident ( as much as one can at 15ish). Evie, soon to be 13 also lost weight this year. She also developed a big allergy to seafood much to her family's horror, they can no longer eat at seafood places. She's got the eating thing down pretty good. Lucky her, now she only has to deal with the mean girls. Crazy how girls can have so much power. Evie cares too much what others think. Hopefully soon she'll gain the confidence her sis has. I am absolutely crazy for these girls. Time marches on tho, and with that are the changes that come with it. Soon Sara will get her drivers license. BOO HISS because I know what happens after she gets her license......the dreaded job.....and no more time for me.......................................................
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Kids of Summer
Say hello to Haylen and Cole. They are grandkids #4 &5 in the line. These are the kids that get to hang with me for a week + after their parents leave. They are my chance for "do overs". When Kate and Dan were small - this age I was too wrapped up in other things. Not work related but extracurricular. I mean really it would have been nice to be a stay at home mom, but, insurance is a high priority. Anyway I was into volunteering at that time and in between that and trying to keep house I didn't get to play too much.
Haylen is like a 4 foot piece of velcro. That kid sticks to me like glue. She's up for anything with barely a complaint. I had the opportunity to sit next to her on her first ever big peoples ride at 6Flags, it was Batman and I can still hear her scream. I was abit afraid that I would lose them at the park since I haven't been around little ones for years. NO problem that kid was next to me the whole day, well that week for that much.
Cole is 9 and with that age comes all the boy stuff. Dead things, blowing things up. Blood and gore it's all cool for Cole at this age. I think he worries too much. Unlike his sis (who lives just for the second) Cole is thinking about the future. He likes old Metal Music won't have much ok anything to do with the Jonas Bros (I'm secretly glad about that). I learned one thing about him. DO NOT let him talk you into playing battle on GH. He knows the cheat codes and it's almost impossible to beat him then, but I did once. It took me several times and when it did happen I did gloat. He had it coming. He a really neat kid and after you answer the million questions and he just starts talking well he's a sweet kid.
They call me the fun Grandma. Cool huh! They have a bunch of them but they call me the fun one. Another Grandma said it's because I don't make them mind the rules. Rules are for later right now all I want to do is play.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Men of Summer
Here are the men if summer. Well anyway some the guys that hung out in the back yard this past July. It's funny how when your younger one appreciated the 6 pack abs. I always found my self looking at thighs, I guess I am a leg girl. Was anyway. Now I find that I prefer to chuckle at old men with jiggly pecks. You've seen them they can be found out in the yard, working wearing jeans and no shirt. God love them they are so darned cute. Now don't get me wrong, just the sight of LLCool J can bring me right back to the warm fuzzy feeling described in an earlier post (see Neil Diamond).
On the left in tank is son Tim, The boy in white is Grand S Cole, kid in green is a neighbor, skinny guy is Zack (friend of Dan), the guy in blue is my big bro Ken and in front is son Danny.
Well I am off to deliver another wedding yipee skippy. More Men later!!!!! Teri
Friday, August 14, 2009
Better Phrasing
OK in retrospect I believe i used the wrong word in describing July at our home. The word hell is synonymous with really bad stuff. That is not the case at all. It wasn't even hot here. It's fun, wild, loud, very loud and crazy. But bad it's just not. gaday ya'll Teri
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Gee It's Great to Be Back
Ok, it's been over 6 months since I wrote. I took many MANY pictures each one thinking I can't wait to blog about this but Valentines Day came along with several other events. Gosh just where do I start. I think I'll just pick a pick and begin. And there you have it numero 1. This pic was taken July 5th. Here in Cornland July is known as hell month, because for one month straight we have family here. The guests vary, in age and quantity but nevertheless we are booked.
From the left daughter Kelly and then, grand d Tia, the little blonde is grand d Haylen, then me with last but not least daughter Audi.
We are a very lucky melding of three families into one. The kids sometimes refer to me as the ESM ( evil step mom). It's funny tho as I kinda like the "tough" reference. The grand D's call me GT, or Grandma for the little one. It's cool they all like me and I like them too.
For 7 or so days we drink like fishes, swim and play full contact keep away in the pool. We may be getting too old for the game tho, the bangs and bumps are harder to mend from and this year I tried to fold my Grandson Cole in half (not the way mother nature intended). He survived tho after a respectable mending period and I am happy to report that he doesn't hold a bit of grudge
After the grownups leave then the 2 youngest grand kids stay for a while. Now that's fun and exhausting as I get to be a kid too. Not a lot of rules to be followed except for one Don't make me sad. Explanation : If you fight it makes me sad, If you don't pick up after yourselves that makes me sad you get the picture. We had a great time and now I have graduated to the hard level on Guitar Hero it's good to be a kid again.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Nothing Like a Snow Day
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Oh Say Can You See.......Not so much
I'll digress about the eagle a bit. Remember years ago they were put on the extinct list? Well not so anymore. Apparently they roost along the missasip during the winter. The fishing is good for them and well they like it. The Brown's ( Heathers M&D) live on the Mississippi, you can almost drive a golf ball in ALMOST. With my new camera I tool several pics. They are as thick as thieves there almost look like a flock of seagulls in areas. They are pretty cool. Last time I saw that many was on a trip with my little bro Kevin back when Kate was a baby. It was strange timing to see them, and remember Kev as this week it was 16 years ago he died. Miss you Kevin.
The next few entries into the blog will be like a Freshman Comp final. I can't tell which pics are what in the new harddrive, anyway I'm going to post a mystery pic then tell ya'll about it. TTFN Teri
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